Protect your brand with trademark monitoring

Avoid trademark infringement, and keep your brand safe with our automated trademark monitoring service.

$199 / quarterly Get continued protection through our active, comprehensive, and customized trademark monitoring services.

  • Active monitoring of the USPTO database
  • Personalized monitoring strategy to watch for potentially conflicting trademarks
  • Monitoring for deceptively similar trademarks
  • Detailed reports delivered via email every month
Call to discuss


Online trademark and logo infringement is on the rise. And when you consider how this infringement can directly impact your brand and sales, sitting around is not really an option. The process of creating your trademarks and service marks — as well as filing them with relevant authorities and securing their registration — is just the beginning.

Your organization must now take appropriate steps to ensure that other parties do not use these marks without your permission, which means remaining vigilant in all markets where your goods or services are sold.

Why Monitor Your Trademark?

Identify & quickly respond to potential threats

  • Discover trademark infringements before opposition window ends
  • Avoid losing rights due to delays or a lack of response
  • Limit risk and gain peace of mind

Strengthen & enforce your competitive position

  • Track trademark activities of your competitors
  • Deter others from filing similar trademarks
  • Stay a step ahead of the competition

Trademark Monitoring FAQs

Still have a question? We’d love to help! Call us or chat with one of our experts now!

  • What is trademark monitoring?

    Trademark monitoring is the process of searching websites, social media, and online marketplaces for unauthorized sellers using your existing trademarks like logos, phrases, packaging, and more. It is essential for brands to monitor for trademark infringements so they can be addressed as quickly as possible when they are found.

  • Why should I monitor my trademark?
  • What is included in your trademark monitoring services?
  • How do I contest someone else using or attempting to register a trademark similar to mine?
  • When do I need trademark monitoring services?

Ready to register your trademark?

Not sure where to start? Get in touch with us and we’ll recommend the package that’s right for you. Call now